Nicholas Huynh, LAc

Nicholas Huynh, LAc
Acupuncture, Shiatsu, Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue
Certifications: Master Degree in Oriental Medicine, Muscular Therapy Certificate,
Bachelor Degree in Finance and East Asia Studies
Specialties: Stress Relief, Chronic Pain Assessment, Shiatsu Blend, Pain Management,
and Facial Rejuvenation
Nicholas is a licensed acupuncturist as well as a talented massage therapist. He received his formal acupuncture education from Emperor’s College in Santa Monica in December of 2000. He has also been certified in massage therapy since 1994.
In 1991, Nicholas received his undergraduate education from Boston College with a bachelor’s degree in finance and East Asian studies. Throughout the last 20 years, he has learned many different modalities in the arena of healing. In his practice of massage and acupuncture, Nicholas’s goal is to participate in helping his clients have a better quality of life and to increase their awareness for creating and maintaining good health.
Mr. Huynh was inspired by his mother, whom he said raised seven healthy children with very limited outside medical intervention despite her limited resources. Being equipped with more education and opportunities has enabled Nicholas to help more people more effectively.
In Nicholas’s Own Words:
“I am a friendly person, who is very curious about others and what they do in life. I enjoy having conversations with individuals that will help me understand more about life in general and myself in particular. I feel life is an opportunity to give and receive, to teach and to learn at the same time.
Throughout the years I have seen thousands of different cases, which has lead me to believe the essential basis for any treatment is to relieve stress first. I view that stress can and will eventually lead to other serious medical issues. Therefore, it doesn’t matter if a client chooses to receive an acupuncture treatment or a massage session; I will always try to focus on the relaxation aspect first. Some of my concentrations in acupuncture treatments are pain management, stress reduction, and internal issues, as well as facial rejuvenation treatment for cosmetic needs.
I feel privileged to work with thousands of clients in the past many years. They have brought many different lessons and challenges that help to shape who I am today. Besides enjoying people, I also deeply enjoy nature. That is why I love spending time in my little garden every day. But the biggest joy in my life is caring for my two lovely daughters.”
“I have had experience with many different shiatsu massages. Nicholas is far and away the best, the most experienced, the most healing and with tremendous knowledge. He can find the trouble spots in your body, help make them better, and he works hard and smartly to restore and fix the body. It was a pleasure to be worked on by him.” ~Robert
“Nicholas has treated me for over a year and a half. He has a calm demeanor and good energy as a Shiatsu Therapist. We work on general health needs in addition to facial rejuvenation and Shiatsu. I always feel the sessions move my body toward total health.” ~Eva Helene Yazhari, CEO at Beyond Capital
Sage Advice From Nicholas on Meditation:
“One of the keys to better health is meditation. One might ask, what is meditation? A short answer is the centering and release of the physical body, mind and spirit. Even though there are many different techniques for meditation, it is quite simple to do. Everyone would benefit in making meditation part of everyday life. In this small article, I want to talk briefly about a simple meditation technique that I am using.
All you need is 5 minutes. You can meditate anywhere but a quiet place is preferable, especially for a beginner. There is no need to wait until you have a calm mind to meditate. Actually, meditation is a way to have a calm mind. You can sit in a comfortable position on the floor or chair or even your car. Close your eyes, and avoid giving attention to anything. Just let everything be as it comes and leaves around you and in you. Do this every day and you will eventually gain back your balance. So, don’t wait. Start your meditation right now.“